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    Sony MZ-N1

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  1. Sorry for long delay in replying. Had already followed instructions as per FAQ before posting. This was in my original post before board crash. Yeah I know i should have put that info back in In addition to following FAQ whilst boards were down I re-installed system 2 times (well, you never know) and it still crashes out. System Specs Intel p4 2.8GHz 1GB RAM Win XP w/ SP2 Software installed when crashed was SS 3.2 (downloaded installer from boards) and XP Pro w/ no updates and w/ all updates. .. any other specs/info that would be usefull? Have been speaking to Sony and they said it could be faulty hardware (Mindisc or MZ-N1) is this the most likely reason? Wouldn't have thought it would cause system crashes if just faulty hardware. Daryl
  2. No error messages it just crashes and restarts. After Microsoft's crash report says that SonicStage crashed. Specs I will add again when I am back at home
  3. Repeat of my previous post. Whilst the boards have been down I re-installed my system (I was at a loose end) so that I could rule out any software that might be conflicting. With just XP Pro SP2 and SonicStage installed it still crashes my system. Transferring to MZ-N1 Any suggestions? Cheers Daryl
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