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Posts posted by ghobsonuk

  1. Ahhhh. Basically if someone doesn't have GYM at all they need the GYM zip file from


    & need to replace the GYM.exe from that zip with the one I'm hosting.

    Feel free to grab that zip & replace the GYM.exe inside it with mine & host the resulting zip here. Not sure what version that would make it? 1.2c? I have seen reference to 1.3 on this messageboard, but not sure what is involved there.

    You probably won't have too much interest in GYMV1.2UPGRADE.zip that I put up in that case, that's just the Visual Studio Project that has the source code for the 2 exe's in the download zip

  2. Thanks very much. Are you willing to put the source online? If so, we would be willing to upload it to our board here for all to enjoy.

    Not myself being a GYM user nor an NWZ-HDx owner, can you tell me which walkmen it supports please? The NW-A1200 for example?


    OK, there's now a zip file 'GYMV1.2UPGRADE.zip' in the same folder as the exe.

    Basically as I said before I opened the source project (downloaded from the GYM website) in Visual Studio 2010, let it convert the project (the UpgradeLog.XML in the zip will give you an idea of what happened there), then added rolandinchania's changes to main.cs, recompiled it & put the GYM.exe out there.

    As for what versions it will work on, I'm afraid I only have an NW-HD5, so can only say it will definitely work on that. Suspect however it will work for a lot of models if GYM works in general & it's just the folder selection that is causing a problem. Backup your current GYM.exe & try it.

  3. Recently got a new Windows 7 PC & found I couldn't save (no window would come up at all). Downloaded the source, used the copy of Visual Studio 2010 I have at work to open it, which converted the files, added rolandinchania's amendments, compiled it, replaced my old GYM.exe on my NW-HD5 & seems to work for me now.

    Link here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/aavnu8

    Obviously keep a backup of your old GYM.exe just in case it doesn't work for you.

  4. This has been an issue with every release of Sonic Stage. Think some people were claiming that the Asia Pacific versions of the software didn't require you to initialize, but I think it's best to assume that if you want to upgrade SS you need to wipe the tracks off your player. Keep hoping they'll change this, but until then I'm stuck on 3.1

  5. I'd looked at those threads. It seems that everyone who had problems with freezing had it on *STARTUP*, & that's what the firmware update was fixing.

    My problem occured something like 7mins into the album, 27 seconds into the 2nd track. If the problem persists (it hasn't reoccured in the 2 or 3 hours of play since), then I will definitely update the firmware.

    I did get my player very late in the life-cycle of the HD5 though, so for all I know I may already have the most recent version.

  6. Problems with my HD-5-- SonicStage 4 insists I delete all tracks or reinitialize the harddrive.

    I'm going to remove SonicStage 4 and see if I can get back to 3.4.

    Damn, I'd hoped SS4 would 'fix' that. Tried to upgrade from 3.3 to 3.4 not so long ago & got that error, so ended up going back to 3.3. Guess I'm staying put for a while longer/as long as the player lasts.

  7. Apologies if this has been discussed before, I couldn't find anything searching the forum...

    My relatively new (not quite a year old) NW HD5 froze mid-song, back light is on, playback screen stuck on a track 27 seconds in. Connecting it to my PC gets no response (doesn't show as attached hardware). Can't get into the System menu (as per the instructions for increasing the volume). Nothing.

    Any ideas on how to resuscitate it? Would removing the battery help, waiting till it runs out of power (I assume the backlight being on will drain it eventually) maybe, or should I just get in touch with Sony?

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