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Everything posted by funkymnky

  1. This is the biggest thing for sony. I agree as well, you can't walk down the street in Toronto without seein about one in four people with Ipod phones and those little pieces of shit attached to their belts. Why? Because of an agressive marketing campaign that made them just "cool" to have. Everywhere you look are single bright colors with some form of "Hip cool kid" that everyone wants to be like and conform with. I don't think that the MD user is that type of person but why not cater to those who use it for personal recordings. I still come across people 15 years after the technology of an MD was available to the public, and they haven't seen or heard of a minidisc. This is rediculous, how something so great has slipped under the radar. I have recorded almost every show that I play live, and tried many different units. It was Sony from the beginning, who issued a $1200 product that no one wanted to buy. (First giant portable MD) Then within a few years, you could purchase a sharp MD-MS722 for half the price with more features and a sweet backlit remote. Even now when purchasing the second from the top MZRH900 they don't give you a remote. BAD IDEA. Lucky for me I Have two MZR-909's with great remotes that you can't get in north america. Ever since day one, the only people I knew who were enthusiastic about Minidisc were musicians. People who wanted to record live music, and tapes just didn't cut it. Easy access digital sound, and removable media are definitely something that users want. It's not all about the computer appz like sonicstage being blamed for the demise. Take a look at Itunes. PEople love that shit too, people who don't even have a Ipod, or an apple rock that shit. Once again all about marketing. Now with all of the podcast hype, sony is definitly on the chopping block infront of the guillotine. But seriously when it comes to scrapping lines. Why not the Aibo? I mean come on, if you don't want to pick up dogshit, and feed an organic being, then you don't need a dog. $5000 price tag? more bad ideas, they need to talk to some of the users and develop a product with them in mind. Then minimize the line, one player non recorder for computer geeks, and one sweetass pimped out recording mic in unit with backlight on the unit and a sweet remote, and the ability to send microphone recordings direct to computer. That would eliminate many models, but why do we need so many, the sports idea has been dead since the two jacked walkman of the late 80's. Come on boys lets get out of here, before the ipodders trample us.
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