ok.. ive researched enuf.. and i think my heads about to blow.. so forgive me if i bring something up thats already been covered.. plz kindly link me to that topic/thread if it happens... i read about the different brands.. sony, sharp, kenwood, panasonic and i guess i have a basic understanding of their ups n downs... however.. i like how sony has better aesthetics.. their hi-MD format and yea... btw.. if anyone can confirm of the other brands coming up with HI-MD soon.. i think i'll wait for a sharp HI-MD lol ok so the MD will be used for recording half the time.. prolly most of the time... my gf sings and i would like for her to be able to record her self... karaoke.. special performances.. and stuff... (i'll upload a sample song as soon as i get an MD n u guys be d judge.. lol) anyway... so yea.. im gonna need an MD with great recording capabilities... and sounds as good as possible... id also like something with atleast a decent aesthetic.. or looks simple.. and has great playback quality.. hmm wut else... oh yea.. decent battery life.. i guess anything more than 25hrs will do me fine.. though its a portable.. i wont be treating it as a portable.. prolly gonna be recharging every night or somehting neway cuz i go home at the end of the day... please splur out all ur suggestions.. and advices.. thanks so much in advance