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    Sony MD-NH1

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  1. Thanks Seb. Unfortunately it may not be that simple. The first time it skipped we weren't on the stage. The minidisc was just to warm up the crowd. And the volume was quite low. The second time, we were on stage but there was no noticable vibration at all. Is it possible the microphone/instrument leads are causing interference?
  2. Hi guys. I need help and I need it urgently. I'm playing in a band and because we couldn't find a drummer, we recorded drum tracks onto a standard 80min disc and we play them back on the MD-NH1 on stage. Twice, though, it has skipped. It happened first as we were playing a Hi-MD disc to warm up the crowd before going on. The song being played skipped forward, I think, a couple of seconds. Then when we were playing, using the 80min disc, it stopped and started clicking quietly. The way i have it set up is the remote it attached to the mic stand, just under the mic and the device sits in a pouch ducttaped to the stand. Obviously we need total reliabilty on stage and we've lost faith in the player. What could be wrong?
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