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    SONY NW-A1000

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  1. I found the problem. It was in new version of Winamp (5.34 beta). Now I have 5.32 and it is OK :-)
  2. And the one thing. I can delete files from Winamp, which were transfer from SonicStage, but can't add.
  3. Hello, thank You for your replay Problem starts, when I formatted my player from Windows. Than I try to do all from FAQ. Initialize from player and do it again. But it is the same state. I can make the folder OMGAUDIO and create the files there, but when I connect the player and try to send files on it, it doesn't works All looks same as before, but the files in ML which were sends I can't see in playlist. There is only "All (0 artists)" :-( Do you think the new firmware will help's me? Thank You Best regards
  4. Hello, I was very happy with winamp pluging, but unfortunetly I formated my Sony NW-A1000 and now it doesn't works. That was my mistake and now, when I do all from FAQ it is the same problem. In media librery can I drag the file or send it to device, but nothing is visible in the list of walkman. There is only All (0 artists) and nothing more. When I try to use Sonicstage, It works, but I hate that program. It's very slow and unconfortable. Could You help me please?
  5. It running. Many thanks for you Studge ;-)
  6. I do all that you recommended me but it isn't work always. This problem started, when I try to install SS CP. The program was not stable on my PC and I decidet to unistall that. I remove all component but In PC stay OpenMG. I remove it with ccleaner. Today I want to make new install Connect player (don't use before). The installation was complete succesfully but the program isn't work. Now I reinstall SS CP and remove it and install Connect Player (before remove all part from registry), the error wasnt out. Please, have you another hint for me? I'm sorry about my english. I'm beginner. Thanks.
  7. Hi, I have trouble with running the connect player on my PC. When I try to run the aplication, it will show me this message: The OpenMG component used by CONNECT Player failed to start. I so sad about this problem What I can do, to corect that? Thanks.
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