So after not being able to figure out how to fix this problem, I had given up and stopped using my minidisc. That was more than one year ago. Recently, I tried to get my minidisc running again, but had the exact same problem with the new 4.3 SonicStage. In fact I didn't even remember writing this and found that I am in the exact same position I was in last year. Almost... This time, I figured out what the problem is and so I wanted to share it. I have my music on an external hard drive and imported all of it into Sonic Stage. Then when converting it, I found that Sonic Stage would create an OMG file (say MySong.omg) in the optimized folder. If I convert it without copy protection, then SonicStage will create another file called MySong (1).omg when I try to transfer the song to my minidisc. But if I had converted it with copy protection, then it does not create another file when transfering to my minidisc. So that's about it and am happy using my minidisc once again... Hope this helps someone else with this situation.