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    SONY MZ-RH701

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  1. So as far as I understand nobody has faced the same problems with SS3.3 as me. I am wundering whether this has to do with my computer configuration/installed software and my NW-HD3 or that nobody has tried the "Auto" mode in SS. But as always, in new software old bugs are solved but brings new features and new bugs. So, sometimes it's better to stuck to an older version if this is fulfilling your needs and works. They say, never change a good working system....
  2. I downloaded and installed the new SonicStage 3.3, but that was a mistake. The program is too buggy, SS3.2 was in my opinion much more stable. The "Auto" transfer to my NW-HD3 contineously hangs when I try to synchronize the player with my playlist. I don't need that dynamic playlist because I want to choose myself which music should be transferred to my player. As I write now this message the SS 3.2 transferres 136 songs smoothly what SS 3.3 was not able to do. If I stop this transfer now and then re-initiate then it will continue synchronizing my player with the playlist!! Impossible with 3.3, because the program hangs itself and can only be stopped via the task manager. How are your experiences witht the new version of SS?
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