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Everything posted by LittleGhost

  1. NW-A1000 has a few EQ options: None Jazz Pop Heavy Custom 1 Custom 2 The setting 'none' should be EQ-less. However when i compared the Custom 1 setting with everything set to flat to the 'none setting', they sounded different significantly. With the 'none setting' on, the mids and lows are slightly boosted, while the Custom 1 Setting with everything flat sounds, well, flat! Did Sony "do" something to the original sound? Did they intentionally colored the sound quality? Thank You in advance for your help.
  2. I was wondering if Sony's NW-A1000's Line Out is 'true' line out or just simply headphone out with max volume? I need to know so i can hook my external amp to it. thank you
  3. Ah, but this means i cannot bypass the internal amp correct? This also means i'm not actually using the external amp at all. Can someone confirm this? Again, thank you for your kind and warm replies guys.
  4. i'm did everything you mentioned before i posted this topic. Seems that the signal simply is too strong, a slight twist on the volume knob on my amp will result high volumes which i couldnt bear. Any ideas?
  5. Before i start here's my following setup: Sennheiser HD650 Sony NW-A1000 Electric Avenues PA2V2 (amp) If i want to properly use an amp, i should use line out correct? However if i use line out to my amp, the volume becomes tooo strong and loud. Is this me or do all DAPs out there has similar issues? How should i solve my problem? I'm currently using headphone out with ALVS feature enabled and volume at 13. This way i get to listen to my songs at a softer and better volume level, but i'm not utilising the external amp at all . Has this got to do with the high gains and small pot of the amp itself or the nw-a1000 itself?
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