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About SiniyElectric

  • Birthday 06/10/1987

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  • Sony Products I Own
    Koss Spark Plug

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. No, the backlight in my device is absolutely normal
  2. C нетерпением
  3. Year, the only way for me now to make my A3000 play without stopping - using playlists. I hope next firmware would solve this problem To ssasha: странно, что никто раньше не поднимал этот вопрос... Может, эта фигня характерна только для плееров, поставляемых в Россию?
  4. In normal play mode my A3000 does not play next album/artist, instead it repeats the current album or just stops when the album ends! There are no "unit on/off" settings like it is in HD5. Does somebody know how to make it play one artist/album after another without stopping???
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