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Everything posted by djgeo

  1. Heads up bros.. Here's my thoughts on the most recent problems. Head cleaner came in the mail today, cleaning surely helped (you are supposed to do this every two weeks), but did nothing to repair my corrupted discs. The only other thing I can think of it that I was using a different USB cable than what came with the MD. Recently though, I have bought the best quality A to MiniB USB cable around, but I remember, the one that came with the MD had a huge magnet on it.... Sucks to lose recordings, real loss...
  2. The first times this started happening was after I updated to the new 3.2 SS I'm going to buy a head cleaner and see if that helps, steamy clubs (and rain the other night) can't be good. Though I bought an MD few years back (a simple player/recorder), after the first week, it was having access problems. I tried manually cleaning the heads with q-tips, this never helped, so I brought it back, and they "did something" that fixed it. Whatever this problem is, they charged about $100 in labor (under warranty)
  3. OK, new news, remember the other disc I tried? Turns out today I tried to play it, and ARG! Again, the MD displays "cannot play or record" I think we're dealing with a head cleaning problem or something more serious. Oh geez Happy Halloween
  4. Hey Guys, thanks for the replies. Well yeah, I read in a post doing any editing (renaming, etc) will compromise ability to successfully transfer. Shucks, at this point I can't do anything with the Disc, the tracks appear in SS, but no upload or even play ability. Unplugged the MD reads "unable to record or play, create audio file?" Next time I guess I won't do any fudging with the renaming within SS before I transfer, this seems to be the problem. What's the likelyhood of a gone, corrupted MD? I have another Hi-MD, though it has a bunch of recordings I can't transfer right now, because they "originated from another computer" Bullshit, I only played them back on my desktop... Wondering if I name my laptop the same name as my Dell it will think it's the same comp. Greetz to all MD Headz!
  5. [regarding MZ-NH700 with SS3.2] Aight. So I go to the clubs, and spend a decent amount of concentration to get a good bootleg, and now--for the SECOND TIME-- I have lost a totally mind-numbing recording. The first time this happened, there was one recorded track on the disc that would not transfer, you can play it, but you can't transfer it. In the process of trying to "check the disc" for errors (hoped some stupid file error checking would fix) I made the MD unplayable. Now, for the second time I get this error, "internal error has occured" Transfer failed. NEW FINDINGS: This time I realized that the transfer error is caused by a skip in the recording. I found this when I decided I would play the recording back and manually rip it from another program by setting my recording input to "stereo mix" which actually records direct from the sound card (laptop). In this process, the sound went straight for 15 min, then stopped. I unplugged the MD, and manually shuttled forward to about 14:30, T-Marked, and listened on. The audio hickups for a second (probably i was dancing or something) but then continues on. So I T-Mark again to isolate the blip. So now I have three tracks in SS3.2. I tried just for kicks to transfer the 1 minute isolation, no go. I transfer the smaller first part of the track (14 min) NO GO! Same with the other one! (the rest of the recording) At this point, I have not done any attempts at recovery, and the disk has just melted on it's own accord! unplugged it says, "no tracks" plugged in, I've got the three tracks with total recording time of 1:58 hours, but I can't play anything at all now! I tried copying the files from the MD itself via USB (removable disk) and write error occurred because "parameter incorrect." I guess the moral of the story is the disc is Fucked. But damit, the thing just screwed itself up more by trying to play. Are there some firmware upgrades or something we can give the Hi-MD a little more Gas? Greetings to all fellow Hi-MD lovers, I have done some good work with this machine, but losing a night's recording the day after totally BLOWS! GIO
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