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  1. I used a translucent contact paper (with adhesive backing) that I picked up at the paint store, it works really well. It's not as clear as the player w/out any protector, but it's a perfect fit and I can now walk around town with the player in my pocket not having to worry about it getting scratched.
  2. Hi everyone, I want to thank this forum so much for all the advice and help which I've received from you all over the years. I am now the very proud owner of a Sony mz-rh10! I am, however, terrified that my baby will become scratched. So, I made a template for a screen protector. It is custom fit (to my unit at least) to fit over the entire clear-plastic section, with cutouts for the control buttons. Any clear adhesive material (screen covers, contact paper) should work well. It took me a while to get the dimensions right, but I think it should work. Anyone wishing t to make any improvements, email me and I'll send you the .psd file. However, I am posting a pdf file for everyone to use. -Frank mz_rh10_template.pdf
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