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Everything posted by martinu

  1. Hello, it seems that I lost 6 hours of interviews I made with my MZ-NH900. I dont have to mention that these are unrepeatable things and 10 days of work lost ( What happend? The player had suddenly problems reading the TOC of the HI-MD and displayed "CANNOT RECORD OR PLAY". Unfortunately I pressed ">." which reformatted the disk!!!! Luckyly (??) some days ago I made a backup by just zipping the HMA files from the USB drive and copying them to my computer. Now I have the whole HMDHIFI directory on my computer. When copying it back, the Player does not accept it and asks me if I want to reformat the disc. Is there any way to read these files, convert them to any audio format - or copy them back to the HI-MD? thanks for your help, martin.
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