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  1. mz-m100 sound quality and mp3 transfer oct 25, 2005.. hey guys, and thanks for the reviews and info you've shared.. was particularly interested in knowing how the live recording sounds when you might be recording in an environment with very loud concert-hall accoustics. does the bass overpower? does the high-pitch sounds overpower the bass? particularly, the bass reproduction.. how does this come through, please? anyone have any experience on this aspect yet? also.. cab.. was interested in the sonicstage comments you had.. i'm not yet familiar with sonicstage, but was wondering if i already have my mp3 files created on my laptop, will i have to play them back in "real-time" to transfer them to the mz-m100? or do they have to go thru the sonicstage software?.. what will be the procedure on this.. thanks kindly for your time and attention when you get this.. i'll be most grateful for any insights or suggestions you have.. getting ready to see what anyone else had to say about the rh unit.. hadn't heard of this till now.. any comparisons with the rh-10? is that right, and the mz-m100.. ok... well... looking forward to anybody's help on these, too.. bye, --tim
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