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Everything posted by peekay

  1. Hi I'm new to all this minidisk stuff and need help I Have a net md mz-n520 type s recorder and a sony microphone however when I connect the mic to the line in socket (no mic socket on this recorder) it does not work. however when connected to the mic soket of a friends md (model not known) it works perfectly. can anyone tell me if the line in is supposed to take a mic, is a special mic required, or am I just blowing in the wind trying to do live recordings on this md All help greatly appreciated Paul
  2. only had my md-n520 a few weeks, used simple burner with no problems first time. now however when I try to copy any cd to md i get the following message Recording failed. A problem occurred when reading the audio CD. have tried two different cd drives, uninstalled and re-installed both sonic stage and simple burner. also will not format through SBurner. any help greatly appreciated. Peekay
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