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Everything posted by BuckTrump

  1. Okay, it has been a few days and I still don't know what the problem is. Might there be something wrong with the lens than can just be "cleaned"? And if so, what is there to clean a MD Unit? Any help/direction would be greatly appreciated...
  2. Like the title says - I get "read error" with all of my discs. One disc DOES work, but only if I'm lucky. Typically - the unit will spin for a while then give the message. Meanwhile - I can't even delete the files to have a fresh disc. Ideally, I just want it to work and I hope the unit isn't defective. Any ideas?
  3. Alright, I just ordered the Auris. I'll see if these alone will suffice for right now. Hopefully they'll be shipped in before Thanksgiving so I can start messing with them over break from class. Again, thanks everyone. Ben
  4. Okay...well I'm beginning to see the value of adding a box to my setup, but I'm wondering why adding a pre-amp to the boost box constitutes $200, a whole $150 more than the juice box. Being a near-broke college kid, I guess I just don't understand I'd like to see what makes the pre-amp 4x's more valuable than a box alone. Granted I know clean recording doesn't come cheap - I'd like to know that I'm really getting the equipment I need at the best possible price...in other words...if I just want to record a piano and trumpet (and possibly an orchestra or two) and get a clean recording, I get the Hi-MD, I get the Auris, and I get a box to better power the mics, why should I pay $200, when it seems I can get pretty close to the same product for $50? I hope that didn't come across harshly, I'm just seeing how expensive everything can be; and I'd like to just get the best of everything (but can't)...so I'm expecting that if there is reason that the Juice Box will be a disservice to my needs, then I'll spend more than $50. Again - Thanks for the help and I'll continue to accept additional suggestions (even via personal messages if someone would rather). Ben
  5. Would I be right to assume that the Auris are the general consenesus here? With what's been said, I might as well get an excellent set of mics. So unless there is another suggestion I think I'll go with the Auris...Thanks so far everyone. Also - The website defines the Auris power source as "Power requirements: 2-10v DC supplied by external power from recorder (Plug-in-power)" Now I thought "plug-in-power" meant that the rh10 would provide all the power needed to record in a typical setting. So what does the website's definition mean then? Ben
  6. For some reason I can't get this to play. Thanks for the help though - I'll keep messing with my player to see if I can get it working. Also - are those Auris condensor mics? Or is that not something to worry about these days (my prof hasn't shopped for recording equip. for years). If so, then these might suit me well. I assume I could just clip them onto a stand right? Thanks again. Ben
  7. I've been looking around and there seems to be a ton of options out there for mics. Once I choose a mic I'll be gettin the Sony RH10 to use as a practice tool for trumpet rehearsals and also to make recordings for auditions. These auditions typically require trumpet with piano accomaniment. So with that in mind, I am not sure what to buy. A mic not suitable for this situation could leave out the inflections and musicality that can make or break an audition...(not to mention that for my personal practice - I need to hear every little detail). As always - money is a bit of a concern here, but I'd max out at $200 if I was confident in the product. Ideally, something portable and requiring little/no power supply would be nice. I don't think I'll need to worry about a raucous crowd in a room with just me and the pianist; and I've been told to get a condensor mic by my professor. Beyond that he hasn't helped much, but it's getting to be crunch time and I'd like to mess with the equipment a little before I have to make the recording in a few weeks. One additional note - I don't need the recording to imitate how it sounds in my head. Since I am a performer, I need to hear how it sounds from the audience. Thanks in advance for suggestions on mics and such. Ben
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