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Everything posted by first

  1. I have also tryed with many small files (<1,5GB) but I got the same message when the files total transferred was >3+GB.
  2. I have done that many times. Is it possible to format it with WinXP or SS4.0?
  3. I have moved 3 files on 4,35GB to my NW-HD3 with original format before, no problem. Now it shows "disk is full". It is newly initilazed, using the menue on the NW-HD3 itself. Is it possible to use WinXP to format the disk in FAT32, and will it then be able to use as before (play music?, eksternal HDD?)
  4. How do i do that? In SS 4.0 under the "Controls" - "Device/Media"-menu, "Initialize" is grey and can't be used.
  5. When i try to transfer 4,35 GB image files to the HDD on my NW-HD3 i am getting this message: "The disk in the destination drive is full. Insert a new disk to continue." I have done it ones before, then with no trouble. The Hard Disk is emty, have initialize the Hard Drive. (From the menue on the NW-HD3) Small files have no problem to be transferred. (it is some space, mybe arond 4 GB that i can use. Total space is 18,6, it showes now 14,3GB free. I have used GYM. Could that be a problem? Only prepeared for 100 songs. Is it possible to format in a better way? I need help!
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