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    Sony MZ-RH710

rober_bilbao's Achievements


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  1. It would be nice if you included the link to that info!.
  2. Thank you A440. As you'll surely notice I do not too much about this devices. I am an old school recorder (analogue!), with no experience in digital recording. I was just told to buy one of this MiniDiscs as it seems a good thing to record fast and easy with an acceptable quality. Unfortunately, the shop assistant didn't know too much about this machines and he recomend me to buy this one. I'm still in time to change it. Could you or anyone recommend me any other model?. I just want it to record our rehearsals with a microphone and afterwards, to tranfer it into a Cd to pass it to the other band's members. I'll take a look to the Sony page too. Thanks in advance. Regards.
  3. Thank you so much, I'll try with the new Sonicstage version. I am really sorry for asking before looking thoroughly for an answer but I was in a hurry. Well, it seems this forum is really fast answering. I'll keep in contact to learn from all of you. Thanks again!.
  4. Hello there, First of all, sorry because my question may sound too silly and my poor English will not help either. I have just purchase a Sony MZ-RH710. I got a band and I'd like to use it to record our rehearsals. After recording the songs with my minidiscs, I would like to copy my songs in a music Cd to give copies to the rest of the band mebers. It seems the HI-MD format do not allow me to do this with the SonicStage program which is inluded in the MiniDisc package. The instructions just say this format can not be copied in a music Cd (?). I would really appreciate any help with this topic. I would also appreciate any suggestions/tricks about recording with this model. Thank you very much in advance.
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