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  1. Hello, I recently purchased a HiMD Walkman MZ-NH900. The seller said not to install the disc in the box but to go online and download the latest software. I have spent 2 hours on your site and am utterly frustrated (yes, there were tears). Do I need Goconnect or something burner, installer, renderer or just 3.3 (JEB3.3 or Asica-Pacific SonicStage)? Yes I have read the FAQ page but didn't find the answer. I have never used a minidisc. I think there needs to be a novice page for the 3.3. ( searched newby, newbie and novice). Please, may I ask you a favour? Would you please tell me what to install? I am in Austrtalia. I have a HiMD Walkman MZ-NH900. I wish to do voice recordings with the best quality possible, transfer to PC (WIndows XP Professional 2002, Pentium 3, 224 MB RAM, USB interface unknown), edit out mistakes, burn onto CD, then play in a regular CD player (CD-RW). VirusScan, C-Media mixer, OpenOffice quickstarter and Windows Messaging are always running - I do not know how to shut them down as the Startup menu says empty. Many thanks. I know you have fought long and hard to get the bugs out of the software and I will be reaping all the benefits without having made any contribution myself, so I am very grateful. Oranges
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