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Everything posted by maxi_bon

  1. i installed 2.1 (what came with the MD) then upgraded to 4.2
  2. thanks! just installed sonicstage.. already hate it
  3. Sorry i'm not sure if this has already been discussed but I couldn't find it anywhere... Can I use Windows Media Player (11) to transfer my music to my MD. I have an MZ-NH900. I don't particularly like the sonicstage software. I'll install it if i have to but it's just a lot easier for me to use WMP if possible. Any advice is most appreciated! Max
  4. my bad.. i found the info i was after.. basically converted my md recorded files into wav then burnt them onto a cd using win media
  5. im also in this situation.. i recorded a performance of mine and want to burn it onto a cd to listen to in a normal cd player but sonicstage wont let me "the current media does not support the file format". i tried upgrading to the new sonicstage 3.3 but still cant seem to figure it out. if i convert the files to wav will they be playable off a cd in a cd player?? i had a look around and couldnt find the answer to this on other posts although im sure ive probably missed it. thanks
  6. i just recieved my new mz-nh900 from minidisc australia this week. im so happy with it. i got the bundle with mic, some blank 1gb hi-mds and a stand all for under $250!! as a musician i must say im very impressed with the quality of recording... compared to my mp3 player with inbuilt mic :b im still trying to figure out the software though and get around the stupid atrac thing. i just want to burn my performances onto a cd!!
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