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david s

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    Sony MZ- RH10

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. My RH10 does make the occassional noise when recording. Loud enough my for the mic to pick the noise up. A 2m cable will be usful.
  2. Sometimes good old tape has its advantages - no file system that can be corrupted or loosing the whole recording if the battery runs out of power during a recording session. Like eveything when it works well its a saint. Any way of finding and deleting the corrupt file.
  3. "Play them back in realtime and record them through Total Recorder, which records them digitally on the way to your soundcard. It's slow, but you'll get them. " Thought of that but it will not play at all. Comes up with that error message and wants to format the disk.
  4. Hi every one I have a morning recordings (in PCM) that I want to retrieve them but there is a slight problem. My MZ-RH10 tells me "format disk error' How it happened not sure. It was showing the disk is full but it wqas also tellig me there was 25min still left on the 1gb disk. Turned it off wippped the disk out then when I placed it back in "format disk error'. I know if I format it the mornings work is down the drain. Tried it through S. S 3.2 Shows that there are files there but there is a message when trying to transfer the files "Error when transfer" and Internal error has occured" plus the files that attempted to transferr. Any way of get them. tried looking through the postings but nothing. David
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