Hi guys, I read this thread and was impressed by your work. Yesterday I've worked on my HiMD with Linux very hard and that are my results: - I created a document (will be released on http://www.sf.net/projects/himdhack -> Documentation, tomorrow) with the most important knowledge of this thread - I experimented with ATDATAxx.HMA, my results: * I'm able to identify the blocks of this file * I can extract the raw ATRAC3 data for each track, which is the same as in the OMA files (except that ATDATA is organized in blocks, so OMA-data is split in several pars) * I wrote a litte /bin/bash script which does this (will be released in C) then I created this HiMD-Hacking Project on sourceforge.net. AND I HOPE YOU WILL PARTICIPATE. If we all work together, great efforts can be made, I think. So, if you're interested in participating, please mail me: weissi@tux4u.de Best regards, weissi