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  1. If the minidisc was recorded in another deck and the save tab is on then it doesn't get wiped. However if a disk is written on the N707 and then ejected and the save tab is switched on, it will still erase it when it is inserted.
  2. Hi, I just inherited an MZ-N707. I can write files to it using sonic stage, and they will play as long as the minidisc player doesn't shut off. If the player shuts off or the disc is taken out forcing it to turn off, then once it is started up again it reads "BLANKDISC". Even when these discs are put into other players they will not read. I believe that the player is writing new TOC information when discs are put in. It will also erase discs recorded on other minidisc decks. I'm sure this product is out of warranty so I doubt I'll get any help from Sony. Any ideas?
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