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    MZ NH700

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  1. Everything one the same hard drive. No other conflicting mp3 installed. Sonicstage reads only one album in mp3 format. Thanks for your help
  2. I 've just tried with mp3 i already read and convert and it works. It only works for those files. But 90% of my mp3 files are unreadable. What is this sh...?
  3. I've had some security patchs from Microsoft. Sonicstage try to read the file and goes to the following till the end of the mp3 album. It can read Atrac3plus files. I've deinstall it and reinstall, still the problem. When I try to convert mp3 to Atrac3 plus, it creates a 0 kB file. Thanks
  4. Hi all, I have a problem with sonicstage3.3 I've been able to read mp3 files even convert them to atrac3plus. But it does not work no more and there is no error messages. Is there a trick to get this work? Thanks Djé
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