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  1. the file is in the windows\system32 folder. just wanted to thank the finder of the problem, you have NO idea how much you helped- i nearly had a nervous breakdown because of the problem
  2. i found the spot where things went wrong: it is BEFORE the transfer, after sonicstage imports the files to artac3 ( i think) . since this is the situation, does anyone know how to solve it? i hav'ent been able to configure the program, neither do i know of any other programs...
  3. nope... none of the above. i even tried bitrates like 112 kbps. and the origins are diverse. it seems a little capricious, this problem...
  4. i'm using a 3000+ AMD machine, with 512 MB of RAM. when transferring, the monitor shows no real load on the processor. i thought maybe it had something to do with the USB 2 (i think the MD is USB 1) but then it doesn't explain the albums that DO get transferred...
  5. hi there! i have a MZ-S1 unit, and i use sonicstage 3.3. for some odd reason, i have background noise when i import music lately. it happens only on certain files, regardless of the bitrate of the original mp3; it happens even if i change the media, and the weirdest thing- it DOESNT happen if i use simpleburner, or if i first burn the mp3 to a cd and THEN import from it (with sonicstage). does anybody here have any experience with such a thing? the situation is becoming... well, unbearable... thanks
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