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  1. Hello, I've just bought MZ-RH10 and after 3 days spended on transfering, etc... I'd like to edit recorded tracks and in my character palette there is no 'K', 'L','M'. What can I do with this. If it's possible - please help. g.
  2. WHY tracks that have been recorded on my RH10 can be imported to "My LIbrary" of SonicStage on my computer ONLY ONCE??? I'd like to have a possibility of recording my own music, my own concerts many times (sometimes something can interupt your transfer and then... you loose your own music). Please help.
  3. Thanks. And I hope that I can reduce the quality to HiLP also.
  4. Hello, I've question about how long could I record (mic rec) on 1GB disc, only 94 minutes? Is it possible to record longer by mic? g.
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