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Everything posted by MHoughton

  1. Hi. I recently bought a Sony MZ-NHF800 for field recording so I could get original samples to use in sound design work. I used it on two outings successfully, and after much faffing, managed ot get the new version of Sonic Stage that alowed me to copy .wav files to PC. It worked fine. However, now whenever I try to record, everything appears fine - mic signal is coming in, the unit indicates it is recording, but when I press stop, it says "Data Save" followed by "System file writing" which remains there with the unit trying to save the file for about 5 - 10 minutes. After this time, it says "Record error" and shuts down. When I boot up there is nothing on the disk. I've tried this with three sifferent 1GB discs. I'm recording in HiMD SP mode. Can anyone advise how to resolve this, or is it a fault that I need to get fixed under the UK/EU statutory 1 year warranty? Thanks in anticipation for your advice...
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