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  1. well, the 10.1" mini notebooks I'm looking at have a cut down version of Windows called Windows 7 Starter. It lacks many of the features of Windows 7 Home Edition and up.
  2. Which Windows 7 version will work? I notice most Netbooks come with the Starer edition. Will this be OK?
  3. HI, Will this run on a mini laptop with Windows 7? I use a MacBook but am considering buying a mini laptop just to be able to transfer from my MZ-RH1. Any advice will be gratefully received. Carlo
  4. Hi all. I have a Sony MZ-RH1. Can't transfer files to my MacBook running OS X 10.6.7 Snow Leopard. Is there a driver I can download? Or, better still, a third party software package that lets me transfer my MD files? Sony Hi-MD Music Transfer version 2.0 does not work. I get the message: Device/Media nor connected, even though the MZ-RH1 is connected via USB and the battery gets charged and the MZ-RH1 goes into transfer mode. What other options do I have? Play the tracks on the MZ-RH1 and connect a mini plug to the MZ-RH1 headphone jack/line out and to Mac sound-in and and record? Best software for doing this? I'm really ignorant and any help would be much appreciated. Carlo
  5. Hi all. I have a Sony MZ-RH1. Can't transfer files to my MacBook running OS X 10.6.7 Snow Leopard. Is there a driver I can download? Or, better still, a third party software package that lets me transfer my MD files? Sony Hi-MD Music Transfer version 2.0 does not work. I get the message: Device/Media nor connected, even though the MZ-RH1 is connected via USB and the battery gets charged and the MZ-RH1 goes into transfer mode. What other options do I have? Play the tracks on the MZ-RH1 and connect a mini plug to the MZ-RH1 headphone jack/line out and to Mac sound-in and and record? Best software for doing this? I'm really ignorant and any help would be much appreciated. Carlo
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