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Everything posted by pburress

  1. I haven't experienced any noise at all with my IFP-890 recordings. In fact I'm surprised at the quality. I picked up some titanium-diaphram headphones today and I still think it sounds great in my rough comparison to minidisc recordings. Maybe a little more high-end hiss but I'm not even sure about that. E1ghtyf1ve, It sounds like you know what you're talking about and I'd be interested in sending you a short clip of one of these recordings. Send me an email at (pburress at yahoodotcom)and I will reply with a clip. Maybe I'm missing something and would like your feedback. The recording is of an acoustic band plaing a slow song in a living room.
  2. I have an iRiver IFP-890 256mb flash mp3 player. It has a line-in jack and will record direct to mp3 at variable quality settings, up to 44mhz/320kbps. You can change the line-in jack to "mic input" which activates a preamp so you can plug a mic directly in. I recorded my (bluegrass) band practice with my stereo condenser mic (no battery box) and I am very impressed with the results! The quality is very comparable to minidisc... at least my ears can't tell a difference, though I am pretty sure the minidisc is slightly better quality if you review the specs. I have used my MZ-R700 minidisc unit for several years, recording band practices with the mic and gigs off the sound board, until it recently broke. I got the iRiver from e-bay for $51.00 shipped. I hate to say it, but for my purposes, I am not planning on buying another minidisc anytime soon. One warning on the iRiver: if you update the firmware, for some crazy reason you will be limited to 96kbps bitrate on line-in or mic recordings! Needless to say I am not planning on doing this firmware "upgrade"! The upgrade would allow me use it as a generic usb storage device, but I don't care about that. Phil Wichita, KS
  3. Thanks, I'll check that out. If anyone has any experience with TOC cloning on this particular model I'd appreciate some input. Can I do the TOC Cloning using service mode instead of disabling the disk open sensor?
  4. My MZ-R700 is messing up in recording- I recorded some live music, now it says Disk Error... It reads exising disks but if you try to record it will mess up the disk so it generates the Disk Error message. I've read about this problem and plan on replacing the unit. Currently I am trying to clone the TOC on a disk using my freind's MZ-N707 unit. I cannot find the switch or sensor that tells the unit that the door is open. any clues as to where this is on this unit, and what do I need to do to tape this down or otherwise disable it? I'm hoping I won't have to take it all apart! Thanks in advance! Phil
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