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About Brainbug1977

  • Birthday 07/07/1977

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  • Sony Products I Own
    Sony SR-71B

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  1. I completely uninstalled SonicStage (registry keys too), re-installed SS 3.2, initialized my device and then authoring was not a problem. I believe, I got this problem when upgrading my SS 3.1 to 3.2, at first, I installed the US version before the European version. Maybe that was the mistake...
  2. I upgraded my german SS, (www.connect-europe.com download) from 3.1 to 3.2, using it to connect to my NW-407. But now, SS offers everytime I connect my device to authorize it. When I agree, SS seems to connect to the Connect shop but aborts a few seconds later with an error message like "It seems like you are outside U.S. bla bla bla". So SS refuses to transfer ATRAC tracks to my player. How can I tell my german SS to connect to the european Connect shop for authorizing?
  3. I would be quite interested in the interview!
  4. The similarities are quite obvious...
  5. Strange behavior I just ran in: Having set the transfer options to always convert to ATRAC3 132kbps, I tried to transfer three MP3 192kbps albums to my NW-E407. Only one of them was converted to ATRAC3, the others were left MP3. How come?
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