Since my ipod HD failed i started using sonic stage which came with my new VAIO, (ver. 3.0 i think) and i think this stuff is all true, but the main points which i belive make sonic stage (for me) virtually unusable is the fact that it's: a. so system resource hungry, so itunes is also fairly annoyingly high but although it took a while to process my music it did so without crashing my computer 3 times i have had to just go through transferring songs in batches of about 1000 to make it work. Foobar2000 and winamp did it all without issue. b.I found that sonic stage will only group by artist thus any compilation cds (official ones) i.e. now 50 or whatever are all spilt up into seperate artist groups even though they are all tagged with the same album name (all my music are mp3's) and i had to put them in a playlist for it to recognise this, every other player i have used (and there are many)have at least managed this. c. transfer, for some reason sonic stage crashes while trying to upload some files there seems to be no ryme or reason to it, they fail to convert and sonic stage manages to crash my computer. d. animations, they're not big or clever and i'm geussing they are what must be causing so many crashes.