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Everything posted by scobb99

  1. Would the Sony ECM-MS907 fit the bill? It seems from other threads that you need a mike with the right plug to fit a minidisc recorder. Stephen
  2. Wow, this forum has taught me a lot about MD in a very short time! I am now fairly certain that it is the right technology for a project I have in mind: recording family histories. For this I need good quality audio recording. Fortunately this will mostly be in a controlled setting (a room in a house as opposed outside on the street). I would like good battery life (or minimum him if recording with AC power feed) and easy operation. The Sony MZ-RH10 or MZ-M10 seem good, or perhaps the MZ-RH910. But I am not sure if I need to buy a microphone to go with them. If so, which would be the best mike for this job? Right now the store at sonystyle.com is selling the MZ-RH910KIT1 which includes an ECM-MS907 stereo microphone, total price 299US. Any suggestions much appreciated. Stephen
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