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Everything posted by nsherin

  1. That's a pity - the ability to upload from a non Hi-MD deck would be great.
  2. Thanks for the heads-up. That'll make recording LPs a doddle - record down to the MDS-JB8980, do the edits on the deck (you still can't beat MD for ease of editing), then upload to the PC to burn a copy to a CD-R!
  3. Happy New Year to you too. Yep, the JB980 is a good one - even in LP2 mode it sounds amazing and the quality on my portable is really good too. Wilkinsons sell MDs for a decent price - I bought 10 x Maxell yesterday in a box for £7.99. I've got one HiMD disc I bought to try with my portable - haven't used it yet, as I still prefer using the JB980 indoors....
  4. I bought one last week simply as a portable player and it seems excellent to my ears. Certainly better than the iPod Mini that it replaced (iPod Mini got stolen). I don't use it for recording, as a picked up a lovely MDS-JB980 the other day which I use for playing/recording MDs at home with the rest of my hifi gear.
  5. 1kyle couldn't agree more re: JB980 - mine has had a couple of days to warm up now and I'm still amazed at the quality of sound from this deck! Didn't realise MD could sound so good! Does anyone have any idea if blank MD discs are going to get more difficult to buy in stores in the UK, as I can see me doing loads more recording with this deck!
  6. I've just made a return to MiniDisc too. Bought my first MD recorder - an MZ-R50 in 1998 and loved it. Since then, I've had several portables and two MDS-JE480 decks at various times. I've always loved the editing features - very handy for recording LPs from my Pro-Ject Debut II turntable. When my iPod Mini got stolen whilst out shopping last week, I thought about my options and decided to return to MiniDisc, for it's superior quality, ease of use and the fact that it fits in nicely with my interest in hifi. So, I bought an MZ-RN600 for £60 last week from my local Sony Centre. I then had a couple of long train trips to/from my parents, which gave me a good chance to listen to MD again (I kept all my recordings I made with my last MDS-JE480 before I sold it when I bought an iPod Mini back in Feb). To be honest, I was stunned by the sound quality of MD - it was much better to my ears than my iPod Mini. It also stamps all over the Creative MuVO MP3 player that my sister had for Christmas. So, now I'm back from visiting family, my next mission was to find a seperates deck. After visting serveral shops, I ended up at my local Sony Centre. I noticed they had the MDS-JE980 (a deck I have lusted after for ages) for £250, down from £280. The only other choice was the MDS-JE489, which I've owned before - an OK deck, but I was after something better, and having decent seperates (a NAD CD player/amp and a Rotel tuner), I decided on the MDS-JE980. Got home and hooked it up - WOW! Built like a tank and sound quality that is on par with my NAD CD player. I'm very very pleased! Love the timer feature as well - now I can record Bob Harris' shows from Radio 2 easily if I'm out or going to bed early! For me, the move back to MD was definately worth it! The JB-980 is one special piece of gear!
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