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  1. No, I'm dead serious. I knwo it soudns crazy, but using SonicStage, and converting the mp3 to Atrac3plus at 128kb/sec, it honestly became significantly smaller. And I actually went to go post a reply earlier today to block it when I realized it was already blocked, so good job ^.^
  2. Hah, I JUST DLed this last night...raelly nice software. I only got the free 7 day trial, and was wondering if the free trial was much worse? Also, if not, is there a way to make the globe up to date rather than a few years ago? I wanted to see Reliant Stadium in Houston, that is where I live, and realized that it was still under construction, and the Astrodome was STILL standing up right next to it with a loaded parking lot. I'd give the coordinates to my place, but the problem is that my house is JUST less than a mile from Houston city limits, and is too blurred.... ----Thanks
  3. Aight, sorry bout the double post bro...I was just getting aggravated with no success because I wanted to make a D yesterday before it was too late, and didn't want to mess up my music. Besides that, thanks for the wamr welcome adn the info on format- skipping, i'm glad i didn't go ahead and mkae the cd now. As for the newer format I'm trying out, its proven to be better than mp3s and other files in all ways, besides the fact that ONLY few players can read it. A 128 kb/sec mp3 file is over twice the size of a 128 kb/sec atrac3plus file, so much smalelr for equal quality. I wasn't too sure if there was a big noticable difference in a 48 kb/sec frequency compared to a 128 kb/sec one. ---Thanks again
  4. Well everyone, I have JUST recently learned of atrac3plus, and i'm still kinda clueless with it. I know that sonicstage can take care of the converting problem, but I was wondering with what frequency would be best to use? I wasn't too sure if there was a noticable difference in some of them. My cpu speakers are crappy.. so I'm not trusting them on telling me that. Also, does converting between a couple different format's ruin/affect the quality? ----Thanks so much, and sorry about the typos, I'm using a broken wrist to type, and the cast is no fun
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