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    mzr501, mznh600

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  1. How often do discs die? Do the units normally make scratching sounds intermittently while playing? The reason I ask is that I just got my MZ-NH600 back from Sony. It was giving me "Cannot play or record" errors on many of my discs. They replaced the Holder Assembly and repaired the Transport Mechanism, but they also said that the disc I gave them (so they could replicate the fault) had a corrupted UTOC. These are probably questions for Sony techs, but since Sony's communications are inpenetrable I thought I'd ask you guys: -Is it possible for the discs to become damaged from magnetic swipe cards? What I've read suggests not, but the discs started corrupting when I started using a swipe card which lives in my bag with the MD. -The other theory is that since the discs were recorded with a dodgy transport mechanism, perhaps they were recorded badly, so they will not work even with my now-fixed player. -The final theory, as suggested at the start, is that simply the discs are worn out, since they are about 4 years old. What do you think? PS: I can't download the NH600D or NH700 service manuals from this site. They appear to be corrupt. Is there somewhere else I can get them?
  2. Have had an old MZR501 for ages, and recently got the MZN-H600 basically to make transferring CDs easier by using the USB. Well, the player is awesome, I love the extra compression and everything to do with Hi-MD...but the software is dreadful. Why are there 2 programs (SonicStage and Simple Burner)? If just one of these programs was done properly, there'd be no need for two. Simple Burner: -Much better to use than SS, but very limited functions - Why the hell doesn't pressing tab switch the cursor between ALBUM and ARTIST. One of the MOST COMMON operations for copying to MD!!! Sonic Stage: -I don't want to store 12 copies of my music on the computer, I just wanna trasnfer it to the MD. Not only is simply transerring music a two stage step (and you can't even check the track names on one CD while you're transferring another), but deleting files from your PC brings up the dialog box which won't damn well remember your preferences. -When importing mp3s SS puts each import into seperate UNTITLED playlists. A real pain in the arse when you're putting in files from different directories -In fact the whole program, while at least having more functions, makes the simple operations much more difficult than they need to be. Sony Customer Support: For some reason, my MD shipped with SS 2.0. After experiencing problems (simple burner crashing, SS not transferring MD->PC), Sony suggested I download 3.3. Went to do this, but the internet connection isn't on the PC I will use for MDs. Told them this, and they said the only option was to BUY(!!!!) SonicStage 3.3 from Sony Spares (since they don't have a non-internet install version) to fix the bug in the software they supplied. After multiple calls, and even more telephone hold music, I stumbled on MDCF. If it wasn't for your standalone download, I'd be screwed. I was using the MD player yesterday and marvelling at how well everything works with the device, it is everything I could hope for. However Sony's software and customer support are pitiful and really let it down.
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