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    SHARP MD-MT866 http://www.avland.co.uk/sharp/mdmt866/

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hope this helps: Hardware: Sharp MD-MT866H: http://www.avland.co.uk/sharp/mdmt866/ http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sharp_MD-MT66+MT866.html Settings: : not sure what your looking for here new at this sorry.. Location: A bar that had a stage.... The mic was not that good so that maybe my problem a friend gave me it said he made good recordings with it.... any tips ??? possably whats the best MD to uses....or a mic that records good for a new taper ?
  2. Hello there I record a band a friend of my a few months a go and when the recording was played back it very very bassy...kinda destorted..... Is there any software out there to fix this.....even just to lower it or remove it a bit to it is able to be listened to..it was there frist live show thats is why.... Also any tips for a newbie on taping ? Thank you Chris
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