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    MZ 707

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  1. Naah... that's o.k.... Don't need a new MD unit (Unless it's HD) If I coulda added AM/FM to my 707 for 10 bucks I woulda.... If this person has a few MDs, I might still pick up the lot.... It'd be worth the 10 bucks to me.... and well, it might be that the original unit is experiencing user error instead of an actual malfunction... :-) thanks fer yer help, you 2!
  2. I have a chance to pick up a broken MZ-NF610 and it's 'parts' for 10 bucks and I was just wondering before I get it, if I'm going to maybe be able to use the AM/FM remote with my MZ-707R unit? I've thumbed through the manual, but can't find any information one way or the other..... Thanks :-)
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