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    sharp mt888h

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  1. Another RH1 from Italy. I bought mine late january. Cheers!
  2. Hi, I have a strange problem with my sharp mt888 unit (the european version of the mt770). It reads disks and works fine only if the disks are write protected. When I try to load a writable disk the unit starts to make clicking noises and then shuts off. Can anyone please help me to find a service manual and give me any information on how to try to repair the unit? I have good soldering skills. Thank you, Marco.
  3. Guitarfxr, thank you for these great information. Marco
  4. Thank you for your help. I also own a sharp mt888 (european version of the mt770) and the unit manual says that it has an impedance of 10k ohms for mic-in and 20k ohms for line-in. With this information is easy to calculate the value of the capacitor necessary to get a well known bass roll-off frequency. Is 1M ohms of impedance for the sony mic-in perhaps too high? Marco
  5. Hi, does anyone know the impedance (k ohms) for both line and mic inputs of the RH10 and RH1 units? I need it to make a custom battery box with a selectable bass reduction filter. Thank you. Marco
  6. Hi all, I have a sharp md-mt888h unit (the european version of the md-mt770). Suddently the remote doesn't display any information anymore. Backlight, headphones output and all the functions on the remote work great. It could be a fault with the cable or connections. Or it could be a broken display. I have another remote and it works fine. I have good skill with electronic equipment so if someone can help me with a service manual or with some technical information about this remote, I can try to repair it. If it can be repaired. Thanks!
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