Hi, I have all my music on MDs, no worries there, but there's stuff I want to re-transfer onto SS that's been on there before and has since been erased. Obviously, this would mean the music would be deleted from the disk I was transferring from - this happened to me yesterday with a few tracks and I was NOT a happy bunny! Anyway, like I said, I do have the music in question on another MD. I want to transfer it into my SS library again so I can manage it. So.......is it best if I uninstall my SS 2.0 and install a newer version? Will I then be able to transfer it all o there again and not lose the tracks off the MD disk? And if it's all on MD disks anyway, do I still need to back it all up? Surely it's already backed up in a way, on the MDs? Thanks for this site, it's most comforting!