nobody comes here anymore, theyve moved on. i dont have a loot of experience soldering electrets, but i soldere a great deal, and i always try to heat the thing im soldereing up the least possible, epecially if its an lectronic componant as opposed to wires, etc. my gues is that there is a good chance that, dpending on how long you had the iron on the contact, you partially melted part of the mic inside the casing, which is causing the distortion. i reccomend getting new electrets, and practicing soldering bits of wire together before doing the mics. try soldering 2 wires with only 2 mm or so stripped without melting any isulation. you have to do it fast, but it comes with practice, and if you can do that, you can quickly solder the mic, making sure not to damage it. my technique is to melt solder, then tin the wire with the melted solder so it heats up faster because there is more surface area contact, and only the part you want to solder is heated up. tin both sides like that, then melt them together quickly. letting them cool between solders is a good idea too, so the heat isnt tranferred inside the componant very much. has 65 cent electret mics that are pretty good, but shipping is 7$ no matter how much you get, so i usually stock up when i shop there. as to you not getting a good contact, lightly sand the contacts, then tin them and there should be perfect conduction if its done right, whitch its relitivly easy to do. hope it helps. dan g