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About alex37

  • Birthday 04/21/1969

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  • PlayStation Network ID
    MDS-JA30ES, MZ-N910, MZ-RH910, DHC-ZX50MD

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    Vynil records, reel-to-reel and all types of audio restoration, re-mixing, modifications and improvements of audio/video equipment, building of own amps/decks/speaker systems/turntables - just name it.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Z Novym Rokom! (Happy New Year in Ukrainian) Z Rizsdvom Christovym! (Merry Christmas in Ukrainian) Love and peace from New York!
  2. There is a lot of reasons to ask Sony to produce a Hi-MD deck, personally for me it would be a best way of what I'm doing - for a long time I've been restoring a vynil records and since my music memory and hearing abilities pretty solid, I had to record the content of an album to a minidisc deck (MDS-JA30ES-G), then thanks to wide edit capabilities in MD format I devided tracks in to a sectors and when riding in subway for 2,5 hours a day I was listening and memorized most of the audio distortions, pops and clicks. You might find it strange - try a high quality headphones in subway and play a vynil recordings - you'll see... And then I digitized records to my computer at Hi-resolution, I already had a "map" with time marks where I should expect abnormalities in recording. This way saved me a lot of time spent on something else... Now back to the features: A. Optical/coax/analog ins and outs; B. USB port with ability to UP/DOWNLOAD to MAC/PC or clone to portable recorder C. Variable coefficient audio filters like on Hi-End CD players CDP-XA7ES, CDP-XA50ES. D. Support of all legacy/MDLP/HI-MD formats; E. Choice of recording formats, i.e. native ATRAC/HI-SP/Linear PCM; F. Super Bit Mapping for Analog uncompressed recording; G. Scale Factor Edit/Non Clip option; H. PS-2 input on front panel for easy titling with a computer keyboard. I. All the best and usefull editing features developed in MD format over the years. SONY - if you are reading this please take a look on a beginning of my Sony equipment list below, and honestly tell - what else you want us to do to show our appreciation and support to you? I WANT A HI-MD DECK! IF DAT IS ALMOST DEAD LETS NOT TO KILL THE BEST SOUNDING COMPRESSED FORMAT!
  3. Anyway it will not change my decision of buying RH1, hope that the use of "digital" output amp will deliver decent quality for hooking up to my system. I just can't listen to headphones for a long time - prefere more open sound - hence is my interest to a deck.
  4. Hello to all, I'm new here but quite familiar with MD stuff, does anyone knows if Sony planning to build Hi-MD separate deck like they did some decks of ES series? I know about Onkyo's deck but it only works as a part of midi-sized system, can't really find even this one to buy...
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