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Everything posted by pinkun
Thank you. I would try listening my music files turning the DSEE on and see if there is any difference.
I have installed the sonic stage 4.3 cp for quite a while and noticed a newly added function called Digital Sound Entertainment Engine (DSEE). Pointing to the upper left whree the DSEE tool bar is located, it says "produce audio that is closer to the original, more natural, and offers a wider sense of space. I usually rip my cds in to atrac3+ (256kbps) and encoded music files are very impressive at least for me. I always turn no eq or vpt on during playing back my music files (in mz nh1 before selling it several months ago). Now that I'm going to get the rh1, would I take any benefit of turning the DSEE function on during ripping cds. I'm afraid that turning it on will just color the original of a cd and please those who love to fine tune their music with equalizer only. But if anyone could explain the DSEE will enhance music in a really more NATURAL way, I would rerip all my stuff. Oh, is the function compatible with all md machines? Thanks.
8 dollars and 40 cents are really dirt cheap. I'll try take a look at your link and let you know later on. Have just checked the web, would it be possible that I pay for these batteries using my credit card and ask the camera-battery.net to send them to you directly. I don't know which 1 of 4 delivery methods is suitable for this case. Including the shipping, it is still acceptable.
The wizard of oz, I'll post the picture of mine mc35elk for your consideration. It's approximately 3 year old in a very good condition. Just wait for the picture and let me know. Guitarfxr, I like your idea, but, as I search the Sony Thai website, there is no LiIon LIP-8 sold anymore. I'd like to know where to buy this thing exactly, and how many of it do you need?
Wow, that's a great translation. I've just known that the rh1 bundled remote is not as good as the one shipped with the JP model. I currently own the MZ N10 (NH1 was just sold several months ago) net md which uses the rm-mc35elk, but the color is silver unfortunately. I need to stick with the bundled remote by the time I receive the unit and use it for quite a while before buying a new better one. For me, the mc35elk will do the job well, and I like the way users adjust volume by turning the knob whereas the mc40elk, bundled with the NH1, is a bit frustrated and not well-laid. The bigger lcd and the light blue backlit do not convince me to love the 40elk. My last question is that "Is the mc35elk available in glorious black?" Thanks again for your advice and the recommendation on hi md deck. Will take a closer look at a later time.
That's cool the wizard of oz. Though I don't know any French, I could make use of your suggested links. Guitarfxr...That's a very good news. I don't have to be worried much about the remote anymore. Many thanks for you two.
I've long paid my interest in buying the rh1 unit but having no chance to buy any in Thailand. The Sony Corp. no longer promote using MD format in the country hence unavailability of this cute little chic. However, I've got a friend who's just traveled to France and will stay there until the 21 April 2007. She checked the RH1 price at Fnac for me, and it costs highly dear: 349.15 Euro (for me it's ridiculously expensive). Does anyone know where to buy the RH1 with the most reasonable price (in Paris)? Is that price common in Europe? Otherwise I have to accept it. I also visited the kakaku.com in Japan and the price for the RH1, including the shipping is just 233 Euro, but I do have an unfortable reason not to buy this unit in Japan. Belows are my questions towards buying the RH1 in Paris: 1. Is the remote control English readable? 2. Is there any other extras that will be shipped with the unit other than the conventional bundles hardware and software? 3. Will hi md disc (s) be shipped with the unit? Where do I get the most competitive price for a hi md pack (5 discs)? If Fnac is the best in France, I'll tell my friend to go get it for me. Thank you very much for every kind assistance. PS. My Thai friends say I'll regret buying this long gone unit, but I thought to myself they'll regret not giving this unit a chance.
Thank you Qwakrz. That was really great explanation. I don't know if any of my friends could do a modification of the usb cable, but will try to ask them about this. Terribly sorry for my late reply.
I've learned that there is only 1 model of hi md machine being able to charge via usb cable: MZ RH1. Is it possible for other hi md models to charge via usb port? If yes, should there be any trick or modification of the cable to do so. Any suggestions are welcomed. Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot pata2001. I might go with buying a new hi md to acheive better sounding. The NH1 is what i'm looking for. Is it worth buying compared to recent version of hi md?
GregtheRotter, As to my understanding, sp mode behaves like a more superior sound quality format compared to lp2. It is actually not just a fake sp format which is intended to be used with a md unit without lp2/lp4 function. The bit rate encoded with sp is 292, and I used to achieve this bit rate using md simple burner (selecting sp mode). The program would transfer songs from original cd audios to the md. The sound gained is really better than lp2 (132 kbps). Please forgive me if what i've known is wrong. Thanks for your information anyway.
Many thanks Borat. I'll give it a try.
Recently, i've been trying to transfer songs in sp mode using sonic stage 3.4. Interestingly, there is no sp mode in transferring option; only lp2 and lp4 have been found. I decided to use the md simple burner program and found that there is no sp mode option either. If I weren't wrong, I used to use sonic stage (I can't remember which version) to tranfer songs from cds to my md unit using sp mode. Any ideas how to fix this problem? Thanks a lot.