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Everything posted by Isak

  1. Ok, BUT: Sony has demonstrated to have good skills and "know-how" about making little non-professional and not-so-expansive portable recorders, so I don't see the point of throwing away all this knowledge, above all considering that there is a part of market who needs and ask for this kind of product; if you take a look at the mp3-players market, there's neither a unit that can record as good as Minidisc do. So, in my opinion: either Sony makes a 3rd gen of Hi-MD with all we are asking for (easy drag'n'drop with no upload/download restrictions), or they can let MD die but they add the same good record capabilities we had with Minidisc on *at least* one of new MP3 units.
  2. This new from Sony is great.. what do you think would be nice features to add in next generation of Hi-Md (if there will be one)? My suggestions: - I think it would be nice to have 3rd gen based on a 20gb hd or even on a 4gb flash unit (nowadays discs are a little bit uncomfortables, don't you think?); - integrated FM radio, with rec possibility; - complete support to drag'n'drop songs with unlimited uploads/downloads ability; it would be the best mp3 player/recorder every made.. no more iPods!
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