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About Telegramsam

  • Birthday 05/28/1956

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    Computers, music, mostly 70's glam rock etc. and classic rock

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  1. After buying the MDS-JB980 I installed sonic stage 4.3 on vista. However, it does not change to net-md when I connect my machine. Same with the NH1. Device Manager shows exclamation mark! Any idea how to sort this?
  2. Can anyone advise if sony or any other manufacturer made a full size hi fi hi-md player/recorder?
  3. If your interested re bolan cd's, maybe we could keep in touch.
  4. I have never understood why sony never introduced minidisc drives in pc's or laptops. It seems a lost chance to me which could still save the minidisc. This would be more flexible, being able to write data to a smaller disc than cd which doesn't get damaged so easily and is smaller to store. What do you think?
  5. Thank you all for your help. I'll see how I get on. I have found that if you highlight the tracks you want to transfer in My Library, right click, then choose the ATRAC conversion rate you want, tracks will be converted more quickly. Once done, right click again and choose transfer to hi-md. The tracks transfer faster aswell. I transfered 320 tracks at 66kbs in approx. 45 min.
  6. I have everything of Marc Bolan on CD but would like a pre-recoded minidisc. I think there was only one, The Collection by Marc Bolan & T.Rex. Can anyone help or willing to sell. I'm from the UK.
  7. Telegramsam

    MZ NH1

    I've tried transfering 350 tracks to a 1GB disc but only 20 transfered which left 3 MB free. Using sonic stage 3.4 I chose Hi-MD for disc and mode. I understand you can get about 45 cd's on a 1GB disc, so what am I doing wrong. I'm using the MZ NH1. Any help appreciated.
  8. Sonic stage was not open when I connected my minidisc and it no longer shows up in My Computer. Earlier it did show up and I was able to back up some .avi files by right-clicking and using the sync command which launched WMP 10 which then backed up my files to disc. So I am at a loss how to make my pc see my minidisc as a drive letter again so I can a least transfer as you suggested.
  9. I am having a problem with my hi-md. On my recently build pc it showed up ok in my computer and in media player 10 as a device but next day it didn't. After another day it did, then not. Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong and how to make it visible as a drive letter (usually H) when it works in my computer as I want to transfer files to minidisc for safekeeping like I've done in the past?[/size]
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