hello all i have a sony mz nh900 hi-md deck and it gets used for multiple recording situations the last 2 shows i recorded have gaps in the recording,literally silent gaps in the waves thers no rhyme or reason of them,they show up wherever i was using the lithium battery and the extra AA pack too when this has happened its not a mic issue,i've looked into taht already i use this deck for business purposes as well so i am very concerned about this problem,now when i use it for business purposes it is always plugged in,not running on batteries i'm presently checking the last business recording to see if it has gaps as well,so maybe this is a battery issue the only other thing is each show i recorded i used a "used" hi-md,i did erase it but i didn't format it each time,maybe this is an issue all help is greatly appreciated please resond here or email me direct myktm250@nrtco.net i need to get this problem figured out asap, cause i need the deck for business this weekend also if anyone can reccomend any othe hi-md decks taht have a mic input taht would be great too,i need to buy another deck or 2 thanx mike