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Everything posted by jon_m

  1. thanks for the suggestions. Trust sony to make software of such high quality that people on an MD forum suggest going over to an MP3 player Just a thought - there's no way to have an MD player to put different s/w on it (as you can do to an ipod, converting it to linux, for example)?
  2. I've got lots of my CDs stored in flac format. Any way I can get these to Net MD via USB, without converting to another format first? Or can I use another lossless format? Also, am currently getting podcasts through Juice. What would be useful, though, is some way to get more automation in transferring files to MD - any suggesions? Use Realplayer mostly for transfers, occasionally SonicStage. No problem with using other software if necessary (actually, would prefer to find something different). Thanks in advance, Jon
  3. Thanks for the suggestions. I've now tried the etys in 2 more MP3 players - they pick up some hiss in all of them The irony seems to be that - because they're so revealing - they're not usable with quite a few portable devices... I persuaded my laptop's maker to get the shielding on this nicely sorted - because I use it for recording - so that may be why this sounds so clean...can't take it to the gym, though
  4. thanks. Must admit I do like the sound/fit/isolation of the etys, but yeah - if they don't work they will go back Jon
  5. Thanks - maybe it is a problem with impedance... The other headphones I've used the MD with are quite decent beyerdynamic ones - which should be fairly revealing (though they are less sensitive than the etys). Any suggestions before the earphones go back - they're too expensive for earphones that don't work right Cheers, Jon
  6. Hi, I've just got some etymotic 6i earphones to go with my much-loved md player. However, using them with my minidisk player they sound very loud - I have the minidisk on the lower possible volume setting in order to get a moderate listening level. More annoying is that they hiss - they're silent when nothing's playing, or when the MD player is switching between tracks, but a hiss starts when a track starts playing. Any suggestions as to why this might be :Not Sure: or, better, what I could do about it Earphones are fine from my laptop, and another pair of headphones work fine on the md (no hiss). Thanks in advance, Jon
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