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    MZ-R90, R500, R900, N1, E3(don`t work)

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    Sony MD's & cassette players

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  1. For me - there in no daubt about material of my N1 case. It is plastic! If it was metal I would easy repair it. But case made from heat resistance plastic, I try to correct it with hot air (from soldering station about 200ºC) - no result. I afraid make more temp. I don't need MD-burner
  2. I don't think so... Here is picture of my MZ-N1 with damaged PLASTIC case (right-up corner on photo).
  3. OK. Try to ask from the other side: is all MZ-N1 made with melal case or this is SE?
  4. Yes. Here is picture from seller. How could I know is it metal or plastic?
  5. Hi, from cold Russia! MZ-N1 with aluminum body - is it possibly? I have two of them, silver & blue - both plastic. Yesterday I read internet offer, that sales N1 with METAL case. May be N1 in metal - for Japan market? From Russia wiht love, Serj (sorry for bad english)
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