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Everything posted by thejeepster

  1. yeah, updated my version and now it's saying' cannot find files of the specified for import (error code: 00007173) aaaaarrrhhhh!!!!!
  2. player- NW-HD5H hi, after a few problems with sonicstage(it wouldn't even open) have been fixed(?) i reinstalled ss again. now when i try to import mp3s to my music store, it comes up with this- detected one or more files that cannot be imported SonicStage does not support this file format.G:\mp3s..... cannot find files of the specified format for import i've recently learn't that ss will only let you import songs so many times. can anyone help 'so near but so far'
  3. i have but still the same. it comes up with 'can't find wmvcore.dll. help!!!!!!!!
  4. sorry, my computer's spec? it's my first time on this forum. thanks
  5. hi, help!! been racking my brains over this one. started sonic stage 3.1 when these error messages pocked their ugly heads up. firstly- cannot locate needed files related to windows media player(which i've posted under another title on this forum) secondly- WMVCore.DLL cannot be found. i was told to reinstall WMVCore.DLL from my windows file but ya can't do that. so, i downloaded the file again but it wasn't an application file so it just sat there. i've tried reinstalling sonicstage 3.1 and 3.4 and still no luck. i'm near the end.....please help.
  6. well, i'm using windows version 10 and i've tried to up-grade my sonicstage but it says that the download wasn't complete. it also comes-up with the the error' cannot find wnvcore.dll'. i was told to reinstall from the drive but how??? i've downloaded it and placed it in a new folder in program files but that's it. it still says the same!!! i've wasted most of my day on this thing. i'm pulling my hair out on this one. help!!!!
  7. well, i've re-loaded sonicstage again and it's comming-up with 'cannot locate needed files related to windows media format'. ps great forum.
  8. hi, can anyone help!!!! just clicked on sonicstage and have got error code:00004E22. it's also come up with - cannot locate needed files related to windows media format. i've tried to up-date it and it still comes up with the same message. many thanks
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