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Everything posted by hamboneblivers

  1. yea, I know...thats why I came here to ask you fine folks, so I could have a nice start to narrow my research. ya'll have been a big help already! The line out is not that necessary. I record from a soundboard mainly so the line in and mic should be good to go...righteous!!! peace out...anyone else! any other tapers out there?
  2. could you recomend some specific models for me please? I'm really not sure what hi-md...pre-netmd...even mean. I'm not much for hanging on the net and researching, I just want a player that will record with the capabilities I listed above, not much else. I use mine for recording only, so any help as far as certain models that some folks are using or their favorite MD's to record with would be great, then I'll look them up from there. thanks yall
  3. so I have a mz-r50 and it finally died on me...it's old and I bought it off e-bay pretty cheap. I would like to invest in another MD for recording purposes mainly. I like to record through soundboards for smaller bands and such, sometimes I use a mic (I have the ECM-907) and I would like a player with the best recording possibilities, with a good price of course. the mz-r50 has been great, but what I don't like is it doesn't have an LP2 or anything else but mono and the standard. I definately want an MD with LP2 capabilities...line in, line out, mic, LP2...any suggestions. thanks all, peace
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