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    mz-eh70 (black; well, sort of black), mz-rh1 (black), mz-r909 (silver), mz-r55 (blue)

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  1. Below are a couple of pictures of the eh70 with its external battery pack attached. It's not a pretty sight in my opinion, but I won't be using it much: the internal battery lasts long enough for me. I also included a picture with the remote and earbuds, which are the same as supplied with the rh1, except that they're white. Additional remarks: there's no need for a pause button if the "quick mode" option is on; the supplied earbuds (ed931) are not bad! (although I prefer the groove fontopia models because their fit is more comfortable and the bass is better). Hans
  2. Hello everyone, Just wanted to share the following. Two days ago I received a mz-eh70, sent from Japan (no surprise there: it's a Japan-only unit). I wanted a black unit, so I got a black unit, well, sort of black. Compared to the black mz-rh1 it seems to me it's more like a mix of dark violet and dark brown. I decided to buy the eh70 because the eh930 is too expensive (if you can still find it), and I wanted to 'protect' my rh1 and take this player with me when I am 'outdoors'. Initial reaction: a wonderful player! and its design and looks are already starting to grow on me... Although I am a 'beginner' posting at this forum (this is my first official post), I have been visiting irregularly for many years: the minidisc community is great! Thanks for all the information you provided over the years. Many years ago I started with a mz-r55, followed years later by a mz-r909 (still a great recorder!), and in the past month I became the proud owner of a mz-rh1 and a mz-eh70. Hans trying my luck by attaching a small picture of all four units: [attachmentid=1943]
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